Tampa Office Spaces (“TOS”) is one of the SELECT firmS the Virtual Office business that can provide you with a referral to a Prestigious Executive/Partner Level Business Image Service in addition to Virtual Office Services…for NO additional cost!
There are a number of Virtual Office and Executive Suite companies to chose from, but they do not offer you anything beyond run-of-the-mill commodity services like phone answering, mail forwarding, and rental of office and conference room space. Rent virtual office space Tampa Florida as well as executive suites and conference rooms in downtown Tampa at an affordable cost.
BIS offers those basic services, but, much more importantly, we can be a facilitator to help you develop the necessary image you need to be successful in today’s fast paced business environment.
We are founded, owned and operated by successful attorneys and entrepreneurs, with varying business experience, who have been where you are, whether you are just starting out with your own business or you have an established clientele and have made the move to venture out on your own. Tampa Office Spaces principals know the importance of projecting a prestigious, well established image in the legal and business marketplaces.
You have worked to build business relationships that will allow, or have allowed, you to transition from the large firm that is buying you at wholesale and selling you at retail, to your own company or firm.
Your clients or customers know your capabilities and want to continue working with you, but deep down, they may be a little nervous about working with what appears to be a small business or firm. Both you and your clients want your firm or company to look well established and successful!
All you need to showcase your skill set is the right image to match that skill set.
A number of companies can sell you just a virtual office .
Only Tampa Office Spaces can provide you with the additional tools to help you develop your business profile and project the prestigious image you and your clients want and need to take you to the next level where you need to be!
Rent Virtual Office Space Tampa FL
- Business Identity creation from start to finish with professionals to help you develop your Logo, website, business cards as well as sales, marketing and advertising for your firm.
- Logo and other artwork for your image and stationery
- Telephone, voicemail and fax email capabilities to allow you access from anywhere 24/7.
- Ability to use our building logo with your artwork to drive home the point that your office is in a Class-A building in Downtown Tampa across from the Count Services buildings…and not in a UPS Store…when they Google your address to see WHERE you are, which speaks loudly about WHO you are.
- Physical address in Courthouse Plaza Suites
- Private Mailbox with forwarding services available on an a-la-cart basis
- Conference Room availability
- Fountain Courtyard outdoor area
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